Saturday, May 20, 2017

Day 6: Monfort and Metal

Today was a loving on kids kind of day. We went to Monfort Deaf Community Orphanage.

Haitian culture believes disabilities are a punishment from God and kids with disabilities are often societies outcasts. The children we visited at the orphanage were abandoned due to their disabilities, but they showed no lack of excitement to see us.

Today was truly amazing. These kids could not hear us but we found that the universal way to communicate is through body language and smiles. It almost seemed easier to understand and communicate with these children than any other children who are fortunate enough to hear and speak.

The team brought chalk, nail polish, bubbles, the big parachute and a soccer ball. The boys had a basketball too. Soon the team was split. Derrick and Scott were taken away by a group of children to go play soccer and basketball, while the rest of us learned to sign "what's your name?" by the other happy children. These kids had incredible penmanship writing their names for us. It was incredible to see the children so happy to show us their names and communicate through writing and body language.

Then Janie, Kelsi, Kaylyn and Brian dove in to paint nails. Gus and Jaime K pulled out the parachute and Jaime M and I were pulled in all directions with bubbles, and filling in gaps. By the time we left I believe each of had participated in all the activities including Scott and Jaime K letting the girls paint their nails laughing hysterically.

The ability to share universal communication through smiles, hugs, and body language was powerful. It was such a great day loving on these kids wHo were genuinely happy to play with us.

We stopped at the Croix De Bouquet Metal Market on the way home today. There were literally dozens of metal artisans with small shops. It was fun seeing this community and supporting the economy.

Overall a great day. The sun was out in full force all day but we've had relatively mild weather all week so no complaints.

Love you all! Thanks for tracking us!

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