Sunday, January 31, 2016

Day #7: Grace Church and Wahoo Bay

Hello all,

Today we awoke and started our day the same we had for the last 7 days - ate breakfast, filled water bottles and boarded the “tap tap”. The difference today was that we spent it decompressing and loving each other. Our first stop was attending church at Grace Village. The special treat was that the kids that live there got to sit with us during the service, and one little boy around 9-10 came and sat so close to me. He fell asleep on me for most of the service, sleeping in complete peace reminding me of the amazing hearts of the Haitian people that has been so evident this whole week. Our next stop was a few hours at the Wahoo Beach Club where we got to spend time swimming, laughing and talking and sharing experiences of the week. This time was so important for us to find some closure on the week in Haiti and to spend time together in a lighthearted setting. The experiences we have shared this week have been life changing with every high and low that we have encountered in our journeys and the one thing I can say without conviction is the obvious swelling of the Lord’s love in all of our hearts. Tomorrow we board a plane back to the life we call “normal” praying our hearts never forget the awesome lessons the Lord has shown us.


Saturday, January 30, 2016

Day # 6 LaLoo and Mountain Shopping

               This morning had a beautiful beginning, as does every day in Haiti. A few of us got up nice and early for church and shortly after discovered that was not in God’s plan today! Instead, He blessed us with an absolutely stunning sunrise that one can only experience on the balcony of the guest house. As I sat upstairs praying and listening to my Father, I knew in my heart today would be unique and special.
               Sam, Kathy, Sarah, and Jenny all headed out earlier than usual for the wound clinic to tend to Haiti’s most loved of people- the sick and injured. Once again, God let us know that He is in control as shortly after they left, Sarah and Jenny all surprised us back at the guest house due to lack of space. God had bigger plans, as He always does! Sarah and Jenny got the opportunity to love on some beautiful miracles at Home for the Sick and Dying Babies before they joined the rest of our Haiti family on an exciting adventure to a local orphanage.
               At the orphanage, we were blessed to share in crafts and soccer with all of the kids. I had been looking forward to this part of the trip all week. Being involved with Serenity Kids and a Director at a child care center, this was right up my alley! It is amazing how even in such a different circumstance and environment, my heart melts at the very sight of our most precious resource- children. They’re ability to find the good in everything is a childlike characteristic that some of us as adults need to re-learn. We united in laughs, smiles, and hugs. The language barrier means nothing when we share the common ground of Jesus. Looking into those kids’ eyes, and seeing the joy flowing through them, it is hard to feel anything but peace. They may not have ten pairs of shoes or a comfortable bed; they don’t have two loving parents and a big family Christmas, but they have the joy of the Lord in their hearts and that gives them the hope they need to live their lives with purpose.
               On the other end of the spectrum, Sam and Kathy were healing the sick, helping the wounded, and being the hands and feet of Jesus. Sam’s word of the day summed it up nicely- perspective. They had the opportunity to see things from a medical standpoint as they dressed wounds, distributed pharmaceuticals, and fellowshipped with the nuns and Haitians. They described this experience as humbling, and serious. My mom, Kathy, was able to use her nursing skills as she helped people ranging from five years old with infections due to lack of the ability to bathe, to a man with a laceration from a coconut! Sam, who we can now refer to as the “Medicine Man”, took on the role of a pharmacist as he helped the nuns prepare and disperse meds. All in all, both teams had another blessed day.
               We all met at the guest house and rode together in the tap-tap up to the mountain for some shopping! Not only did we leave with some fun paintings and walking sticks (Will), we also left with the beautiful image of the mountainside view engrained into our heads. I feel so incredibly grateful that God called me to be a part of this incredible team! We share in so much laughter and fun together in ALL circumstances. As Megan said at dinner tonight, we have created our own little Haiti team family- and all in the glory of God! I know I speak for us all when I say that tomorrow will be bitter sweet. It is our last full day in Haiti, but man will it feel good to relax on the beach!
               Thank you ALL for your continued prayers during our incredible adventure in this beautiful country. Stay blessed!


Friday, January 29, 2016

Day #5: Water Truck!

Today started out with some of our teammates going to church while the others slept in after a late night of salsa dancing lessons from Jean. After a wonderful breakfast we headed out to another day of taking the water truck to Cite Soleil. Our first stop was a stop that we had visited earlier in the week. As we pulled in on the tap tap all of the children started to run after us yelling “Hey you! Hey you!” Just hearing their excitement and seeing the big smiles on their faces was incredibly heart warming. As soon as the tap tap door opens kids are swarming with their arms up, some are pushing others out of the way. As heart warming as it is to be welcomed by those little ones it is also heart breaking because they have such a longing to be held tight and to not be let go of. It was like you could not hold enough of them. At this stop I had this precious little boy who held so tightly on to me and would not let go. We sang “God is So Good” together and I just wanted to cry and hold him tighter. To see these people with nothing, singing how good God is hit me hard. The second stop was the most impactful for me. I had not yet been on the hose for the water truck and this stop I was. There is a big difference between watching them fill their buckets and being on the front line of filling up the buckets. Holding the hose as they came forward with their buckets and a desperation that I didn’t even know could exist. As I was filling their buckets and watching them I felt so guilty for the amount of water that I waste and take advantage of at home. At that stop my heart was so overwhelmed with love and sadness when I sat on the ground and the children just piled on me with excitement. Our last stop was another stop that we visited earlier this week. As soon as we got off the tap tap some of the children recognized us and ran up to us with joy as we scooped them into our arms. Some of us with two and three children on us. Today was phenomenal, seeing how communities come together, how proud the Haitians are of their homes and communities. Watching how they work together as a community, children helping carry large buckets of water, women helping each other put them on top of their heads. I learned so much about the love of God watching everyone on our team interact with the people. Learning to see the absolute beauty in every situation. Also in seeing our team work together and taking care of each other. I have a new sense and definition of family and community.



Thursday, January 28, 2016

Day # 4 - Grace Village, Elder Visits and Mass Grave

Day 4 – Grace Village, Elder visits and mass graves
Another beautiful day filled with blessings in Haiti.  Many of us started with 6 a.m. ‘tent’ church (not really a tent but it used to be) Worship with the devote Haitian people is so powerful.  There is a ‘rhythm’ to the way they pray as they walk around the church or back and forth in the aisle – obviously full of the ‘joy’ of the Lord.
Next, ‘fellowship’ between our amazing team over breakfast and again on the tap tap on our way to Grace Village.  What a loving ‘family’ they have created for the children – God’s children.  It was so apparent how much the staff love and ‘care’ for every child.  The kids were playing and having so much ‘fun’ in their safe home – the women were working so hard preparing their meals and the teachers dedicating their life and giving their ‘time’ to each child.  All within the backdrop of the ocean and the ‘beauty’ of the mountains.
Next we had a tour of the future bakery – proud mamma moment as Rob is very involved in this project.  This project will bring so much to the future of the people of Haiti.  A bakery school – commercial bakery – and restaurant – all providing a way for the people of Haiti to support themselves and their families.  I can’t wait for pizza the next time I visit!
Finally, off to the elder visits! My favorite stop last year and again today.  We all had to ‘humble’ ourselves as we served these precious elders – so full of love, lessons and unabashed pure faith in God above. We washed their feet – as Jesus did for his disciples – we massaged them (Sam was an elder favorite), we prayed with them and for them, and shared music with them.  My heart was ‘heavy’ when we left them and I was a little ‘worried’ about their future, but they aren’t – they have complete trust in our God.  I loved how they freely asked for specific prayers – I want to be able to do that too.
I was ‘awestruck’ at our final stop – the Mass Grave – a beautiful monument being built to remind us all not to forget all those who lost their lives in the 2010 earth quake.  We won’t ever forget them!!

Back to the guest house for more fellowship and dinner.  It is traditional to share a word of the day – to share in 1 word what stood out for us each day. Today they ranged from ‘bipolar’ to ‘joy’ I have highlighted each word of the day in today’s blog.  I hope it gives each reader a glimpse of this gift we’ve been given.  It has been a ‘fullcircle’ day from the children at Grace to the elder visits to the memorial of those now in the arms of our Father in heaven.  Wow what a day!  God is good – Everyday.  Thank you Father for this most precious day.

Love Always,

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Day #3: Orphanage Visits

Today was the first time we split our group and headed to separate locations. Most of us went to the Home for Sick & Dying Babies, the rest of us went to Dare’s - an orphanage for special needs children. I went to the orphanage and it was a huge eye opener. Even with all the commotion going on around there was still a sense of peace surrounding us. It gave us all peace with knowing that God has everything under control and that this is all part of His plan. Being able to experience that time with those children has already changed the way I look at my own life. Seeing the happiness, love, peace and thankfulness that the people here in Haiti have makes you reflect on your own life and want to live each and every day with a purpose not to satisfy yourself but to give the glory to God and bring His word to the ones who truly need it. My life is forever changed and it is only Day Three of our trip, I cannot wait to see what else God has already planned out for each and every one of us. It’s an amazing experience to share this opportunity with people who truly love each other and truly love the Lord with all their hearts. 


This is a team of champs having an incredible week! Our morning was split as Alyssa mentioned above, we then had a brief break at the guest house and the amazing privilege of visiting Haiti Teen Challenge. We stopped at the men's program first and had an opportunity to tour and learn more about their programs, then visited the recently implemented women's program where we had a POWERFUL experience (that was my word of the day) learning from them. One young lady shared her testimony, and another sang "How Great is Our God" while everyone joined in. It was absolutely beautiful!! Two of our goers shared their testimonies as well and I think it was a healing experience for most, if not all, who were in the room. Suzette is the director of the women's program and is married to Dr. Julio Volcy, who is the executive director of the men's program. She is a powerful woman of God and had some beautiful words to say about how God is at work EVERYWHERE. Awesome connections made and experience had. Please visit to learn more about Haiti Teen Challenge!

Afterward, we stopped at the ApParent Project to tour, shop, and relax a bit at the café. This is such a cool place that just continues to grow!! Several Haitian men and women work to make and ship all of their products and are able to care for their families through the jobs that continue to be created. This company has experienced significant growth in its 6 years of being, and it's not slowing down!! So cool. Check them out at for more info.

Thank you for following along! Please continue to lift us up in prayer as we walk through the rest of this amazing week!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Day #2 Water Truck

Today was an amazing adventure to say the least. God most definitely touched each one of us in different ways. For me being down here in Haiti makes me re-examine my life so far. Today was our first water truck day out in Cite Soleil and the weather couldn’t have been more perfect; even though most of us ended up a little rosy by days’ end. After arriving at the first stop I was so excited for the rest of my teammates to experience this life changing day. Some of them for the first time. There is no better feeling in the world then jumping off that tap- tap and scooping up those little Haitian beauties. As soon as you see the first child with their hands raised your heart melts. You couldn’t give them enough love and they couldn’t give you enough of their love. You can see God in all of their big brown eyes and in the joy of their smiles. We had the opportunity to see the amazing progress that has been made on Hope church and the grace God has placed on the building. And after we were able to sing songs with all the children and pray for the church. At our last stop we were able to relax with the children at the pier and watch the men pull the fish from the water. My favorite part of the day was going to Haitian initiative which is a program for 250 children who are in a program for soccer. We had the opportunity to play soccer with the boys and let me tell you they were so good. God most definitely appointed every single person in our paths today and I feel so grateful to be here. God is so GOOD!!  

Love Always

Monday, January 25, 2016

Day #1: Travel!

We're here!!!! For some this has been a long journey preparing for the unknown...for others, its an anxiously-awaited return to a place that has stolen pieces of hearts. :) This is a great, energetic team and I can't wait to see what God has in store as we move through the week! We had a long, but thankfully uneventful travel day and made it to the guesthouse around 4p local time. Settling in and relaxing before we head out on the water truck tomorrow...please hold us up in prayer as we venture out. This is a fun and sometimes emotional day, especially for newcomers. We will have lots of opportunities to put God's love into motion, as we play with kids, and help fill and carry water buckets. We are looking forward to being stretched in new and amazing ways!!