Monday, January 25, 2016

Day #1: Travel!

We're here!!!! For some this has been a long journey preparing for the unknown...for others, its an anxiously-awaited return to a place that has stolen pieces of hearts. :) This is a great, energetic team and I can't wait to see what God has in store as we move through the week! We had a long, but thankfully uneventful travel day and made it to the guesthouse around 4p local time. Settling in and relaxing before we head out on the water truck tomorrow...please hold us up in prayer as we venture out. This is a fun and sometimes emotional day, especially for newcomers. We will have lots of opportunities to put God's love into motion, as we play with kids, and help fill and carry water buckets. We are looking forward to being stretched in new and amazing ways!! 

1 comment:

  1. Love you guys, praying for the entire team and especially for the hearts of the amazing Haitian people you will touch this week! Praying for a hedge of protection and for transformation of hearts and minds!! Love you, Denise
