Saturday, January 30, 2016

Day # 6 LaLoo and Mountain Shopping

               This morning had a beautiful beginning, as does every day in Haiti. A few of us got up nice and early for church and shortly after discovered that was not in God’s plan today! Instead, He blessed us with an absolutely stunning sunrise that one can only experience on the balcony of the guest house. As I sat upstairs praying and listening to my Father, I knew in my heart today would be unique and special.
               Sam, Kathy, Sarah, and Jenny all headed out earlier than usual for the wound clinic to tend to Haiti’s most loved of people- the sick and injured. Once again, God let us know that He is in control as shortly after they left, Sarah and Jenny all surprised us back at the guest house due to lack of space. God had bigger plans, as He always does! Sarah and Jenny got the opportunity to love on some beautiful miracles at Home for the Sick and Dying Babies before they joined the rest of our Haiti family on an exciting adventure to a local orphanage.
               At the orphanage, we were blessed to share in crafts and soccer with all of the kids. I had been looking forward to this part of the trip all week. Being involved with Serenity Kids and a Director at a child care center, this was right up my alley! It is amazing how even in such a different circumstance and environment, my heart melts at the very sight of our most precious resource- children. They’re ability to find the good in everything is a childlike characteristic that some of us as adults need to re-learn. We united in laughs, smiles, and hugs. The language barrier means nothing when we share the common ground of Jesus. Looking into those kids’ eyes, and seeing the joy flowing through them, it is hard to feel anything but peace. They may not have ten pairs of shoes or a comfortable bed; they don’t have two loving parents and a big family Christmas, but they have the joy of the Lord in their hearts and that gives them the hope they need to live their lives with purpose.
               On the other end of the spectrum, Sam and Kathy were healing the sick, helping the wounded, and being the hands and feet of Jesus. Sam’s word of the day summed it up nicely- perspective. They had the opportunity to see things from a medical standpoint as they dressed wounds, distributed pharmaceuticals, and fellowshipped with the nuns and Haitians. They described this experience as humbling, and serious. My mom, Kathy, was able to use her nursing skills as she helped people ranging from five years old with infections due to lack of the ability to bathe, to a man with a laceration from a coconut! Sam, who we can now refer to as the “Medicine Man”, took on the role of a pharmacist as he helped the nuns prepare and disperse meds. All in all, both teams had another blessed day.
               We all met at the guest house and rode together in the tap-tap up to the mountain for some shopping! Not only did we leave with some fun paintings and walking sticks (Will), we also left with the beautiful image of the mountainside view engrained into our heads. I feel so incredibly grateful that God called me to be a part of this incredible team! We share in so much laughter and fun together in ALL circumstances. As Megan said at dinner tonight, we have created our own little Haiti team family- and all in the glory of God! I know I speak for us all when I say that tomorrow will be bitter sweet. It is our last full day in Haiti, but man will it feel good to relax on the beach!
               Thank you ALL for your continued prayers during our incredible adventure in this beautiful country. Stay blessed!


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